I have the necessary authorization to enter into this contract on behalf of the aforementioned business.
I consent to receiving account status updates, such as active, terminated, and inactive notifications, through the provided phone number via text messaging, affirming its capability to receive text messages.
I consent to receiving daily communications from DelcoLink. I understand that these communications may include important updates, notifications, and information related to DelcoLink's services and activities.
I consent to the diligent and regular monitoring of my contact information. I understand that DelcoLink is committed to agile adaptation within the logistics, warehousing, and technology industry and is prepared to make necessary adjustments for the benefit of all parties involved. I acknowledge that DelcoLink's objective is to leverage industry dynamics and implement changes as required, with the goal of fostering mutual advantages for all stakeholders.www.delcolink.com/legal-hub
DelcoLink follows a weekly invoicing process, issued every Thursday for the prior Monday to Sunday. Payments for amounts under $150,000 CAD are due in 15 days NET, while those exceeding this threshold have a 30-day NET term. Our invoicing practices align with our legal-hub policies.
Upon approval of your merchant account, we'll promptly send the financial details to your provided text message/email (Authorized Party) for invoice remittance. Please note, we do not accept Credit Cards or cryptocurrency, except for Delco Subsidiary investors. For alternative options such as direct deposit, contact your assigned Point of Contact for assistance.
I consent to using this contact information for sending invoices related to transactions with DelcoLink.
I hereby grant DelcoLink Group LTD. full authorization to verify all information provided and conduct any necessary background checks or credit checks in accordance with their professional protocols.
Please note that during the review and approval period, which may take up to 3 business days, DelcoLink will temporarily postpone the initiation of services until your account is fully established, approved, and insured. This measure is implemented to ensure a smooth and seamless implementation of the agreement, and some scenarios may require additional time.
By acknowledging and affixing my confirmation, I affirm that I fully comply with DelcoLink Group LTD.'s Legal Hub, having thoroughly reviewed all pertinent policies governing my role as a vendor/merchant/customer/user for DelcoLink Group LTD. For any inquiries or additional terms, please contact legal@delcolink.com. (delcolink.com/legal-hub)