DelcoLink Group LTD. (“DelcoLink Group LTD.”), and its subsidiaries (collectively, the “DelcoLink Logistics” or “we” or “us” or “our”), have updated our Community Guidelines Policy (“Policy”). This Policy may be updated to reflect changing legal, regulatory, or operational requirements. We encourage you to regularly review this page for the latest information on our privacy practices.
For the purposes of this policy, for all terms definitions please refer to Glossary of Terms ( If you are unsure, electronically mail us at contact below.
Community guidelines exist to promote the healthy and open conversation that has always been a part of our core structure. They help build an environment where we can come together as a community in interest of our shared goal and serve our users. Collaborating with us comes with enormous responsibility. Many valuable consumers depend on our service. It is crucial that we respect that trust and uphold the reliability of our products and services.
Guidelines for all of users
- Treat everyone with respect
- Do not touch strangers or anyone you just met while using our platform unless permission is given by them for reasons assisting in the fulfillment service. Limited exceptions are permitted for people needing or requesting physical assistance (for example, customers using our platform who may need help getting into and out of the vehicle).
- Insulting or intending to harm anyone is not acceptable.
- Do not comment on someone’s look or ask about relationship status.
- Sexual assault and sexual misconduct of any kind is prohibited.
- Do not use language, make gestures, or take actions that could be discourteous, discriminatory, threatening, or inappropriate.
- Post-Service communications – Communication should end when the service is completed unless it is to return lost goods. This includes, sharing of any unnecessary contact information or social media handles. Unnecessary communication (of any medium) can be seen as harassment.
- Discrimination – We do not accept racist or discriminatory conduct and behavior, including toward our support team and affiliates. We urge you to engage in all interactions in a courteous manner. Do not discriminate against someone or engage in a disparaging manner toward someone based on traits such as their race, ethnicity, skin color, age, disability, gender identity, marital status, pregnancy, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, language, geographical location, or any other characteristic protected under relevant law. This includes someone’s status of any medical information such as vaccination status etc.
- Property Damage – Destructing property is never permitted, this includes intentionally spilling food or drink, smoking in a vehicle, damaging a vendor/customer’s premises, or vomiting due to extreme alcohol consumption or otherwise. If you damage property, you are responsible for the expenses incurred from such actions.
- Help keep one another safe.
- Account sharing is not allowed. For example, third-party service providers must complete all parts of the services themselves.
- You must be 18 years or older to become a user of the platform. Users can not request a service for someone under the age of eighteen who will not be accompanied by either the user or another adult (For example when requesting a ride). When requesting a ride, children are also not allowed to use an adult’s platform by themselves. When riding with us, no one other than the third-party service provider, the requesting customer, and the customer’s guests (requesting customer is responsible for the behavior of their entire party) should be in the vehicle. These guidelines apply unless our local guidelines, terms, or other policies say otherwise.
- For a transparent experience, the platform gives consumers associating information about third-party service providers and their motor vehicle. third-party service providers must complete services using only approved motor vehicles by us.
- Third-party service providers can reject a ride service if there are not sufficient seat belts in their motor vehicle for every customer and their guests.
- Third-party service providers may choose to install and use a dashcam, which can be used to record rides and provide evidence to us, law enforcement, or insurance companies if something goes wrong on a service.
- Distributing or streaming a person’s image or audio or video recording on social media or in other digital or physical public locations is a violation of our Community Guidelines and may prompt further investigation by us and/or law enforcement.
- Pursuant to the terms of contract with us, third-party service providers are expected to keep their motor vehicles clean, maintained and in good operating condition, including but not limited to brakes, seat belts, and tires. This means maintaining their vehicle according to industry safety and maintenance standards, and monitoring for and repairing any parts that are recalled by the vehicle manufacturer.
- We may stop third-party service providers in an entire city or region from using part or all of the platform or impose other requirements to comply with guidance from authorities during a time of public health emergency, natural disaster, or other public crisis, or when the continued availability of the platform might present a danger.
- Vendors and their team are expected to practice good judgment and behavior around third-party service providers and make them feel welcome, just as they would with their in-person customers. This includes vendor’s respecting consumers from our platform as well.
- Vendors should also provide a safe zone for delivery services; for example, vendors should work to prevent violent incidents on the vendor’s premises that might jeopardize third-party service provider’s safety.
- All delivery services that contain alcohol must obey with any relevant laws and restrictions on off-premises alcohol delivery and hours of service. Only consumers who are the legal age to buy alcohol (21 in the US, and 18 or 19 in Canada) or older, and not intoxicated, can purchase, and receive alcohol deliveries where such deliveries are available.
- Consumers will be requested to show valid government-issued photo IDs to verify age and identity when an alcohol delivery arrives. If the consumer does not have a valid government-issued photo ID, or appears intoxicated, the alcohol portion of the order will not be able to be provided and may be returned to the vendor on the consumers behalf and expense.
- Consumers may not place a delivery service that includes alcohol to be delivered to a public setting where open containers are forbidden, or to any other areas where possession or consumption of alcohol is prohibited by law.
- Vendors may only offer for sale goods specifically permitted under their contract with us.
- Adhere to the law.
- We have guidelines based on appropriate laws and regulations that everyone must adhere to. Using our platform to commit any crime—such as moving drugs, money laundering, committing drug or human trafficking, or sexually exploiting children—or to violate any other law is forbidden.
- Third-party service providers are accountable for understanding and complying with all relevant laws, including airport rules and regulations when at the airport, and the rules of the road—including complying with traffic laws, signs, and signals—always when using the platform, zero tolerance.
- All applicable licenses, permits, and any other legal documents required of third-party service providers/vendors must be kept valid. – third-party service provider and vendor’s responsibility. Discoveries of non-compliance will cause loss of access to the platform.
- For riders and consumers, only your third-party service providers control the driving. There must be no interference with drivers when providing service.
- When parking, be mindful of local laws.
- For ride services, third-party service providers and consumers should abide by applicable regulations when traveling with infants and small children. Where use of a car seat is necessary by law, it is the consumer’s responsibility to provide and fit an appropriate car seat, unless other policies say otherwise. When picking up a consumer traveling with small children, third-party service providers can offer them extra time to appropriately install a car seat before starting the ride service. If a consumer doesn’t have the suitable car seat or if the third-party service providers is not comfortable with a consumer installing one in their motor vehicle, if a child does not seem to be within the safety requirements for the car seat, or if the third-party service providers otherwise feels that the child cannot be securely transported in the seat, the third-party service providers can cancel the ride request.
- Third-party service providers using the platform may not deny a ride service to a consumer with a service animal or assistive devices (such as a wheelchair or crutches) because of the service animal or assistive devices. In Canada, third-Party Service Providers can request documentation from a consumer if a service animal is not easily identifiable as one.
- We take complaints of discriminatory behavior seriously. Any users found to have engaged in discriminatory behavior or used discriminatory language may lose access to the platform.
- Drug use, alcohol use and open containers of alcohol are never permitted while using our platform.
- For a ride service, if you are a consumer and you have thought to believe your third-party service providers may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, ask the third-party service providers to end the ride service right away. Then leave the motor vehicle and call local emergency. Please also report your experience to us.
- Third-party service providers are prohibited from carrying firearms while using the platform, to the extent permitted by relevant law.
- Dishonesty can weaken trust and be dangerous. Intentionally falsifying data or impersonating someone else’s identity is not authorized. It is crucial to deliver precise data when reporting incidents, creating, and accessing your accounts, disputing charges, or fees, and requesting credits. Only ask for fees or refunds that you are authorized to and make use of deals and offers only as intended. Do not intentionally conduct untrue transactions. Dishonest action may also include, but not be limited to: intentionally increasing the duration or distance of a ride, delivery, appointment etc. for fraudulent purposes or otherwise; accepting service request without the intent to complete, including provoking consumers to cancel service request for fraudulent purposes; creating mock/duplicate accounts for fraudulent purposes; claiming dishonest fees or charges; intentionally demanding, accepting, or completing fraudulent or falsified services; claiming to complete a service without attempt; picking up a delivery but retaining all or a portion of the goods, and not delivering the entire goods; actions intended to interrupt or manipulate the normal functioning of the platform – do not tweak the settings on a device to avoid the proper functioning of the platform and the Global Positioning System (GPS). For example, using spoof-location applications to mock location.
- To improve the safety of each experience, off-platform services are prohibited. The law prohibits street hails while using the platform, so never seek or accept payment outside the platform. Consumers should not pay for services in hard cash, and vendors or consumers should never request services from third-party service providers outside of our platform.
- Never use our trademark or intellectual property (IP) without consent. If it is necessary under local regulation to display our branded/labeled goods, third-party service providers should only use our branded details that are acquired from us. third-party service providers should not display our branded/labeled goods when they are not using the platform. The third-party service providers should also return our branded/labeled goods to us if they fail access to the platform.
- Your feedback matters to us.
- If something occurs, whether it is great or awful, we make it easy for you to tell us. Our team is constantly developing our criteria, and your feedback is vital to keep our criteria important as our technology grows. Where applicable, users can give and receive ratings, as well as give feedback on how the service progressed. The third-party service providers can view their current rating in the platform if applicable. We encourage all users to rate/feedback upon service completion.
- In case of a serious situation or if you find yourself in immediate danger, notify your local authorities or emergency services before notifying us.
- All users that do not meet the minimum average rating for their coverage may lose access to all or part of the platform. There may be cultural variations in the way individuals in different coverage rate. There is a dynamic average rating in each coverage. If you are a third-party service provider and you lose access to your account for low ratings, you may have the opportunity to regain access to the platform if you meet suitability responsibilities and provide evidence that you have successfully taken an excellence development program offered by third-party professionals.
- If you are a third-party service provider and you do not want to receive service requests, you can go offline or log off. If you are a vendor, use the pause feature or make certain goods absent. For third-party service providers and vendors, if you constantly refuse consecutive service requests or time-out, our technology may believe you do not want to take service requests or have forgotten to log out, and you may be toggled offline.
- If you disrupt any conditions of your contractual agreement with us, or any applicable terms or policies, including this guideline or any supplementary policies and standards that are communicated by us to you from time to time, you may lose access to all or part of the platform.
- The third-party service providers are not allowed to have a vendors account while servicing as a third-party service provider. If you have more than one type of account, such as a third-party service provider account and a consumer account, violating the Community Guidelines and all administered policies could also lead you to lose access to all accounts. If you believe an error affected you to lose access to your account, you may contact our support team.
- We receive feedbacks through a variety of networks, we also review reports submitted to our support team that may violate our Community Guidelines and may examine through a specialized team. This can include reported violations of our Community Guidelines, policies, and certain actions you may do outside of the platform, including but not limited to information from other platforms, if we find those actions threaten the security of our community, our employees, and independent service providers, or cause destruction to our brand, character, or business. If the concerns put forward are severe or a recurring report, or you refuse to work together, you may lose access to the platform immediately. Any behavior concerning discrimination, violence, sexual misconduct, harassment, fraud, or dishonest, illegal, or unsafe activity, while using the platform can result in the urgent loss of access to the platform. If we are made aware of such a challenging conduct, we may also contact you so we can investigate it further. At our sole discretion, we may deactivate your account until our investigation is complete. Furthermore, when law enforcement is interested, we will collaborate with their investigation in accordance with our Policy for Law Enforcement.
- All third-party service providers planning to use the platform undergo a screening process, including motor vehicle record (where appropriate) and criminal background checks. A third-party service provider will lose access to their account if a motor vehicle record check, criminal background check, or other check reveals a violation of our Community Guidelines, policies or other standards required by local officials. If we discover that a third-party service provider account is not in accordance with relevant regulatory requirements, we may be required to remove your access to the platform.
- Vendors may define specific service guidelines that encourage safety, adhere to regulatory guidance, or accommodate consumer restrictions. All third-party service providers should always adhere to such rules from vendors.
- Third-party service providers should conduct services carefully and in accordance with related safety guidelines. For example, they may not tamper with or open packaging during delivery services.
- Some services may require the help of special gears. Those gears are the responsibility of the third-party service provider. Such a delivery service may require temperature-controlled food bags, gloves, masks, safety tie-downs, moving blankets, instruments, smart devices etc.
- Vendors must hold valid licenses and/or permits where necessary by law.
- For digestible goods, many prepared goods are perishable and can cause illness if not properly handled. Such goods can be dangerous if not maintained under the appropriate time and temperature controls prior to delivery service attempt. Vendors are expected to act reliably on data provided by consumers related to nutrition allergies, intolerances, or other dietary restrictions and reject service requests with which they cannot abide by. For non-digestible goods, if temperature control is necessary should be maintained until delivery service attempt. Vendors may request temperature-controlled cargo for such goods with additional fees and schedule ahead of time. Also, where applicable, vendors are urged to seal packages in tamper-evident packaging ahead of delivery service attempt. Please note that we will not be liable for such concerned arising claims.
Thank you for joining us in supporting and protecting a friendly environment.
The content of this Policy is for your general information and use only. These policies are subject to modification without notice. You acknowledge that this information may contain inaccuracies or errors and is subject to adjustment and we expressly omit liability for any such inaccuracies or errors to the fullest degree authorized by law. We urge you to regularly review this page (and all available policies & agreements) for the latest information on the Policy. Your continued use of our platform and internet sites constitutes your agreement to be obliged by such amendments to this Policy. Your only remedy, if you do not agree to the terms of this Policy, is to cease use of and access to our platform and internet sites.
Each version of this Policy is identified by its effective date on this article.
Non-English versions of this Policy are supplied for accessibility only. In the occurrence of any ambiguity or conflict between interpretations, the English version is authoritative and rules.
If you have inquiries or concerns concerning this Policy or about our legal practices, please contact us by electronic mail at or at:
DelcoLink Group LTD.
Legal Team of DelcoLink Logistics
Last Updated: Dec 19, 2022